
Harnessing Local Opportunities: Why Investing Locally Leads to Success

Ally Trygar - 2023年12月21日,星期四

房地产投资 today allows you to buy properties anywhere and at any time. 很多人都对远程投资感兴趣, where they can move into different markets that they don’t live in and don’t even go and visit. 这是一个很好的方法 使投资组合多样化 把你的投资分散到其他领域. 

However, there are also some excellent reasons to invest locally. This is an especially good idea if you’re new to real estate investing, 试图建立一个你可以密切关注的投资组合, 或者在有限的资源下工作. 

Smart investors are strategic and choosy in their investment decisions. 

在做选择的时候, 大多数十大赌博信誉网站选择大, 投资回报率高的成熟城市. 比如圣地亚哥. 

我们很幸运能生活在一个充满潜力的市场. 在本地投资 走向成功 因为你已经了解市场了. You understand the nuance of each neighborhood and you can get a detailed look at potential investments without enlarging photos on a screen or trusting data that comes in from other people. 

Because 圣地亚哥 is such a diverse and vibrant 房地产市场, we recommend that you skip the trend of investing from afar and focus some time and resources right here, where you can partner with local professionals you know and set yourself up for a pleasant and profitable investment experience. 


Investing locally offers a unique advantage over investing remotely: it’s almost always easier to identify untapped opportunities for growth. You’re living and working in the market that you’re investing in, 所以你对事物的运作有一个自然的理解. You know when new companies are coming into town and new developments are under construction. You understand what’s going on politically and where the new laws are coming from. 

A local investor understands neighborhoods and communities. You are reading and hearing about the development of 公共交通 or the construction of new schools. You know the challenges as well as the opportunities; traffic might be a real problem in a certain area, 或者一个领域的职位空缺比另一个多. 

Your local real estate investment yields significant returns, which, 随着时间的推移, can be reinvested in purchasing more property to continue growing your wealth and serving your local community. 


When you keep your money in the local community, you have more of a voice there. As a local investor, you won’t just be aware of what’s happening in the local 房地产市场 和经济, you’ll also have an opportunity to make positive changes in your community and the market. 

加州的法律变化和政治可以有很多. 总有一些事情在发生和变化. You might find that legislation is being proposed locally that raises alarm bells for you and your fellow real estate investors. 作为当地投资界的领导者, you can make your voice heard and insist on a seat at the table where decisions are being made. 

We know that investors in California are already working with resident protections such as rent control, 正当理由驱逐, 还有严格的保证金和居住权法律. It’s important to remain aware of what is being discussed that can impact your investments and your ability to provide high-quality housing. It’s more difficult to pay attention when you’re investing in a distant market.  

当你在当地投资时, you have the opportunity to contribute to the discussion around development, 公共交通, 环境法规和要求, 智能增长十大赌博信誉网站. You and your rental business will be impacted by decisions made over schools, 商业地产, 分区, 和建筑. 

当地十大赌博信誉网站可以在地方选举中投票. 你会付出代价的 当地税务 并支持当地经济. 这给了你很大的力量, which you can use to create a better climate for all real estate investors. 


人际交往Networking in person is simply more productive than networking over a Zoom call or via text. 

When you’re investing locally, you’re attending the local business meetings. 你要加入当地的商会. You’re present and participatory in the meetings and conferences of local associations and organizations. 


Think about how you operate when you need work done on one of your properties. If you’re a local investor, you likely know exactly who to call. That’s valuable, because finding reliable vendors isn’t as easy as it once was. 二十年前, you could get a referral from someone you trusted or pick a name out of the phone book, 你会有一个很棒的水管工, 石膏板专家, 或暖通空调技术准备好做你需要的工作. Now, thanks to higher demand for this kind of work but a lower labor supply, 寻找能够快速完成工作的供应商, 实惠, 按照你的标准,这可能有点挑战. 

良好的关系是必需的, and it’s difficult to establish those relationships when you’re investing from elsewhere. As a local investor, however, you can take the time to work on such a relationship. You’ll have better vendor relationships and you’ll get to know your service providers well, 不管它是 圣地亚哥物业经理, an insurance agent, or the pest control company that’s treating your properties. 

You cannot possibly do everything yourself when it comes to investing in rental property. By growing your portfolio with properties in your local area, 您可以创建并培养一个出色的供应商列表. 

We would love to talk to you more about the value and the benefits of investing locally. 作为圣地亚哥的物业经理, 我们热爱我们的社区和市场, 我们一直在寻找让它变得更好的方法. Let’s talk about the opportunities that currently exist and those that you can create for yourself. 

不管你是第一次投资还是 建立房地产投资组合我们想谈谈. 联系 us at PURE物业十大赌博信誉网站, and we’ll help you do better. 


